Wednesday, April 3, 2013

DIY : Easy denim clutch

I had a few denim left overs from an old pair of jeans. I don't like throwing fabric left overs and especially denim fabrics which are so great and you can make many many projects with them. Here, I show you how to make a small zipper clutch for your coins or your cell phone. So, lets get started! You need some denim swatches, zippers, a quilted lining and of course a pair of scissors. 

I wanted my clutch to have a small inside pocket for coins or credit cards. So I placed the small pocket on the inside part of the lining and sewed it (see below photo). 

Next step was to sew the zipper. Ι folded the upper side of the fabric with the lining and stitch it together with the zipper. It is quite challenging but with a little patience you can do it. Tip: if you iron the folded side before stitching, it will be quite easier to stitch it along with the zipper. 

You do the same thing on the other side, too. After you finish with the zipper, you stitch all the other sides and your clutch is ready!! 

I kept my clutch simple with nothing on it, but I thought I could show you some suggestions. The first one is to stitch a nice crochet lace around it. You have a romantic look! 

Or you can have a more casual look if you add some metal accessories. I added some metal rings. 

The choices are endless, really. Here I attach a modern motif. 

I preferred to keep it simple...

So, girls which version you liked best?

I hope you enjoyed my DIY project! I am waiting for your comments! 

see you soon,

Tailor Spy


  1. ωραίο,χρήσιμο και εύκολο Μπράβο!!!!!

  2. Awesome, great blog :)
    Would you like to follow each other via GFC and Bloglovin?
    Let me know :)


    1. Welcome to my blog! I am glad you like it! I will follow you on Bloglovin!

  3. Ολα μου αρέσουν!!!!Το tutorial πολύ καλό!!!!

    1. Πράγματι, το καθένα έχει τη χάρη του! Φιλιά!

  4. Έχω παραγγείλει ένα σε κόκκινο χρώμα για τα ψιλά μου. Πότε θα είναι έτοιμο παρακαλώ ??????.....Φιλάκια.

  5. Αυτά είναι..απλά λιτά και χρήσιμα, για να μην αναφέρω τη χαρά του να ξαναδημιουργείς κάτι από κάτι άλλο!! χαίρομαι που σε βρήκα Tailor Spy! μου αρέσουν πολύ οι ιδέες σου!! θα τα λέμε συχνά!!

    1. Σ'ευχαριστώ, Κατερίνα μου για τα καλά σου λόγια!

  6. Απλό, όμορφο και χρήσιμο!!!!

    1. Χαίρομαι που σου άρεσε Κατερινάκι!

  7. Παρά πολυ όμορφο!!!

  8. Beautiful!!! great idea!
    Have a nice sunday! and my like in bloglovin for you!!!:)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥
